
Caring is the key to quality…caring about everything from the broadest concept to the smallest detail…concern for people and their well-being, interests and dreams, property, schedule and budget... concern for the environment, how it is experienced, maintained and sustained…understanding construction materials and caring about how they are put together, paying attention to thorough coordination of design, production and construction.


Listening is the key to understanding. Good design can only be relevant with constant client communication and collaboration from beginning to end. A design that is beautiful without relevance is an unfortunate and costly mistake. However, one that is relevant without beauty regrettably, is a missed opportunity.


Creativity begins with energy, is sparked by vision, and seasoned with experience. It is encompassed by a love for art in the intentional manipulation of scale, proportion, composition, light, shade, shadow, color and texture. It is what brings perspective to your situation, vision to your thoughts and form to your dreams.

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