A young family of four, who frequently entertained, loved the charming Tudor character and location of their North Arlington brick house built circa 1930. Unfortunately, it also had severe shortcomings that restricted their life style. A small screened-in porch off a formal living room was rarely used. A poorly constructed rear addition provided an inadequate kitchen and no family room. The rear wood deck was deteriorating and steep sloping rear yard severely limited outdoor activities of their two young boys who were learning to play lacrosse. Initially, the small porch situated over a basement garage was turned into a cozy den for reading and entertainment. The porch was replaced with a room that projects out beyond the garage and is supported by large brackets with the exterior finished in a Tudor style. The interior is trimmed in cherry with softened edges of the craftsman spirit. Surrounding the original brick house as a core, further additions incorporate authentic mortise and tenon heavy timber construction to celebrate the original Tudor character while also recalling timber cabins in which the family frequently stayed when on vacation in New Hampshire.